Thank You for Choosing Natural Henna

I hope to see you again soon


Thank You for choosing natural henna

I hope to see you soon

Image 1: Natural Henna |  Image 2: Jagua

The inky back floral strip is an example of Jagua, and the small motif in an earthy-colored paste is an example of henna.

A Very Nerdy Deep Dive Into Real, Organic, Henna & Jagua

Real Henna paste, made from the leaves of the henna plant, and Jagua gel, derived from a fruit. Both are fantastic because they both leave beautiful, deep stains without harmful compounds that can burn the skin or cause severe reactions and aging. Unfortunately, most mass-produced body art cones labeled as brown, red, natural, or black "henna" are misleading you and are very dangerous. 

-What you bought on Amazon or off the store shelf is not real henna! Here's why...

Cones sold online often lack clear ingredient lists and are frequently filled with parabens, PPE's, Acids, preservatives, and, my personal favorite, "natural mystery ingredients." Although research is ongoing, parabens have already been banned in the UK along with artificial food dyes. Through my independent research, I have identified the parabens in these body art cones that have been conclusively linked to skin damage under specific conditions. When parabens from these products come into contact with UVB rays, skin damage can occur after just one use. The potential side effects of other parabens included in these cones are still being studied to determine long-term harm and causation. so how an we look out for these "natural cones" and find truly natural ones that are safe??? 

-If you don't need to store it in the freezer it's bad news. Stay away! ALL REAL NATURAL HENNA has an extremely short shelf life.

Fresh henna and jagua are made from a small list of a few, safe ingredients and are not shelf-stable; both need to be kept frozen when not in use, even if the henna blend you get has lemon juice added, the longest a cone can last while still yielding a decent stain is 12-24 hours at room temperature. If your "henna" or "black henna" doesn’t require frozen storage, it likely contains unlisted preservatives and or other ingredients listed above.

-Many things out there are Natural.. Like the oil from Poison Ivy... Does that mean we should be putting that on our skin? "Natural" is a misleading term now that is overused and does not solidify any information for the consumer.

The ingredient lists on mass-produced body art cones called "henna", "black henna", "red henna" and so on, will simply state "natural ingredients/oils," but this can be misleading. here is why, Ingredients that are naturally derived—no matter how many steps are removed from their original compound—do not require full disclosure by the FDA. Many natural or "naturally derived" ingredients are unknown mixtures and potencies of oils, acids, and compounds that can be highly irritating to the skin. For instance, clove or peppermint oil can irritate or even burn if not properly diluted in a carrier oil. to be more dramatic, poison ivy oil is all-natural also, but we wouldn't want it on our skin! Natural does not necessarily mean safe, and it can leave you more uncertain than ever. It is up to you to be informed about what goes on in your body!

There are Henna artist who make or sources their natural henna paste and jagua gel with carefully, selected gentle ingredients for their clients. Your artist should be able to provide a full ingredient list upon request. If they cannot, many reasons may reasons that can result in providing body art with dangerous "henna". A large majority are amature artist that not informed or any class of artist that refuses to accept using natural henna due to the demand for the fast and easy results of consumer body paste. Always be understanding but be sure to stay informed, ask questions, and know when to consider getting safe henna another day. 

-Do your research! I always say, "find 3 sources!"

It's crucial to do your research and consult multiple sources to form an informed opinion, but I'll help start the process for you. Below, I've highlighted two popular Amazon products that many individuals have tried, along with a summary of the issues associated with each. Sources are linked for further reading.

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In very rare cases, one can learn they have unique allergies to the oils and lemon juice used in trusted and most gentle henna paste after they have gotten henna. The signs come fast. You will almost immediately feel itching and a bit of growing spicy discomfort if ignored. This sensation is easily stopped by rinsing with soap and water. If not, resolved call a doctor. After your henna is removed, start with deductive reasoning, followed by statistics. Every henna artist uses different ingredients. If your henna was by Mada Mehndi, you can rule out the most common reason for a reaction, Lavander Oil. Lemon juice is a common one to be sensitive to if you get henna from another source as it is a very popular gentle additive for other artists to choose. Keep it in mind if you visit another artist. results may vary.  Two options for your reaction: first, try citrus free and lastly, ask to trade out lavender oil. Many henna artists make allergy-friendly batches with fewer or different oils or no lemon juice. Mada Mehndi almost always has two separate batches available for events, lavender only, and cajeput only. 

If you wish to buy henna, reach out to @mada_mehndi on facebook or Instagram and they will provide you with some artists that sell lovely home made henna.