About The Artist
Graphic Design
About The Artist
Graphic Design
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Thank you for wanting to reach out! If I told you to come here regarding your event, fantastic, let's get those details! If you just have a question in general for me, go for it, but fill out all fields below so I know you are real. Let's get started... Prove you are a human please, select the image that features Mada Mehndis Mandala logo.
I will not consider your email if you do not make a selection. The selection is made when a very light grey outline appears around the choice you have made (it can be hard to miss)
I am excited to hear from you. Lets start with your Name (and Pronouns if you would like to share.)
I love these answers, tell me how you heard about my small business.
for example: facebook, Instagram, word of mouth, etc
What Date/s are you interested in booking? If you are a week out please consider booking next time as I ned at least 16 days notice. What is the date you interested in booking?
if you are simply asking a question say NA
What is the particular question you have/ celebration you are hosting or what is the subject of the appointment you are looking to make with me?
Mada Mehndi uses 4 ingredients in their Henna Blend/ Lavender Oil, Water, Sugar and Henna leaves. Should you have any allergies please inform me now so I know I will have to use a different oil for you.
if none just say NA
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